Professor Angela Repanovoci, Brasov University of Transylvania (Romania) visited the Public Administration Academy of RA within the framework of Erasmus+ Program. The subject of the meeting with the Academy staff, researchers and students was to present the scientometric methods and indicators, which the professor thoroughly touched upon. In his greeting speech Rector of the Public Administration Academy of RA Arsen Lokyan assured that the attendants will get interesting information about Ms. Repanovici’s work style, work approaches and methods.
She touched upon the indicators witnessing the scientist’s rating. Ms. Repanovici outlined the most essential ones: how many researches have referenced the works of a particular scientist, or how many parts of them have been quoted in research works.
Angela Repanovici presented the scientometric methods and indicators which contribute to the advancement of impact and visibility of the research. She also mentioned the importance of accessibility of the scientist’s work to the community who is interested in the scientific work. Then she introduced the annual indicator of references to the articles published in various scientific journals.
The presenter pointed out the scientific journals, periodicals and directories which are more accessible and open to the researchers. She spoke about the foundation of bibliographic database, bibliographic analysis, and the importance of implementation of visibility tools and assessment of information. She presented the model of their University as an example of importance of creation of institutional depositories. She also presented the educational programs of the University. To check out how the participants have digested the main message and information of the lecture, at the end of the meeting Ms. Repanovici offered an interactive game-competition. She asked questions which answers had to be found in the lecture.