Chair of Law

Armen Revik Ezekyan
Head of the Chair of Law,
candidate of law/jurisprudence, Associate Professor
Dear students and applicants, I am glad to greet you at the webpage of State Public Administration Academy of RA.
Today, as ever, students and youth in general have serious work to be done for the development of our independent state and in the creation of its powerful future. This can be accomplished through mutual and efficient cooperation of competent, clever and law-abiding human resources who are legally endowed.
Each of you, dear friends, is the one to make this reality and it is through your efforts, professional knowledge and dedication to work that we can achieve the powerful, modern statehood of our dreams.
We believe that the years of study that you will spend in the State Public Administration Academy of RA will leave you with only pleasant memories and the knowledge as well as the relevant qualification that you will get will provide you with the opportunity to have your unique place in the process of social and public need regulation as demanded professional lawyer.
The Chair of Law (formerly the Chair of Law and Legislative processes) was established in 2002 and is the core structural academic division of State Public Administration Academy of RA.
The Chair:
The Chair issues specialty of Law for stationary and distance learning students
- Necessary legal training, within the framework of the approved curriculum, is provided to the students studying other disciplines.
- Within the framework of continuous learning the most distinguished and best students specializing in law who are eager to further engage in academic activities will be provided with the opportunity to continue their education in post-graduate institutions and defend their theses. Every year a ԺԲ 00.02 admission of applicants and postgraduate students is organized in specialty of public law – constitutional, administrative, financial, municipal, environmental, European law and public management.
- Actively participates in training programs organized within the framework of State Public Administration Academy of RA providing high quality education on relevant topics.
- Has the basic goal of providing high quality education to all students, postgraduates and applicants, giving them the opportunity to integrate in the problem–solving processes of government and other spheres.
- The training and educational programs are developed in conformity with state and international standards, taking into consideration the existing practice in the field of management, the latest achievements in the field of science, new educational methods and innovative accomplishments.
- Has a faculty of experienced and skilled professionals a considerable part of which are current state officials (ministers, judges, prosecutors, etc) who share their knowledge and experience with our students and postgraduates.
- The academic programs that interest the students most have been incorporated in the curriculum. These include: Parliamentary Law, Constitutional Control, Business Law, Administrative Law, Tax Law, Customs Law and a number of other courses.
Public and private sectors are considered as professional spheres for Master Degree students. Particularly MA graduate students have the highest demand in legislative, executive and judicial bodies. As a result most of them input their knowledge and skills in state and local government bodies.