Հայաստանի Հանրապետության պետական
կառավարման ակադեմիա

About us

The  Public Administration Academy of RA is the legal successor of RA School of Public Administration which was established in accordance with the government decree N240 dated May 24, 1994 with the technical support of European Union TACIS program.

The first admission of stationary students took place in 1995. The School was granted the right to organize part-time  educational program with the duration of 2.5 years in accordance with the government decree N107 dated April 30, 1997.

With the goal of conforming the processes of public servants’ training and qualification improvement to contemporary requirements RA School of Public Administration was reorganized into the Public Administration Academy of RA as a state non-profit organization in accordance with the government decree N308 dated April 8, 2002. A year later Masters programme was initiated in accordance with the government decree N370 dated April 10, 2003.

In accordance with the decision N 1703-Ն by the Government of RA on December 28, 2017, general management of the Academy is carried out by the public administrative institution (authoritative body) “Stuff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia” in compliance with the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia, on the basis of self-government in combination with the principles of individual and collective administration, and with realization of the functions of the Council, Scientific Council and Rector’s office.

The educational programmes are the following:



3. LAW



The main goals of the  Public Administration Academy of RA are:

-Development of specialists in the field of public administration, training and qualification improvement, post-graduate educational programme implementation

-Carrying out theoretical and applied research activities, expert evaluations and consultations in the field of public administration

-Ensuring international academic cooperation in the field of public administration

-Supply of informative – analytical materials in the field of public administration

In accordance with the government decree N0627, dated March 18, 2004 the profession of “Public Administration” was included in the list of RA higher education specialty. The first admission on this specialty was held in 2004 – 2005 academic year.

The following Chairs carry out the academic processes of the Public Administration Academy of RA:

–  Administration 

– Law 

– Political Governance and Public Policy

– Psychology of Management, Languages and Information Technology


The Academic Board of the Public Administration Academy of RA was established on September 16, 2002. The Academy publishes “Public Administration” scientific journal and “Public Service” weekly newspaper.