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կառավարման ակադեմիա

Boundaries of Raymond Yezeguelian’s Philanthropist Initiatives Expanded

 For already six years PAARA has been in the centre of the philanthropic initiatives of Raymond Yezeguelian, French-Armenian entrepreneur-benefactor, President of the French-Armenian Federation of Specializations in Law.

With his support, in PAARA a classroom has been renovated and named after Yezeguelian. Every year PAARA’s friend provides financial support to approximately twenty students. The beneficiaries of the lump sum scholarship after the Philanthropist are the PAARA students with high performance, those who live in border settlements or those who were or are in the army.

Despite his advanced age, almost every year Raymond Yezeguelian arrives in Armenia to personally grant the allocated sum to the beneficiaries. On December 24, PAARA hosted him once again. 

Welcoming the attendees, PAARA Rector Khachatur Ghazeyan noticed that traditionally such events take place in the classroom after the Philanthropist but that time in line with the theme of the day, they decided to hold the ceremony in the classroom after the Immortal Academicians.

In his welcome speech, the Rector thanked PAARA’s friend for his invaluable support and informed those present that in the nearest future, the gym in PAARA will be renovated with the support of the Philanthropist.   

This year there have been some changes on the philanthropy agenda. Not only has the amount of donations tangibly increased but also the number of beneficiaries.  

From the $25000 fund, the Philanthropist allocated $1000 (each) to the families of the Academicians who fell in the 44-Day War of 2020 and 40 PAARA students from various master’s programs were granted a 500-dollar scholarship each.   



On May 24, in the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia completed a three-day training “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Priority Projects and Government Programs”, …