The Students’ Council of the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia is a representative, self-government and elective body which defends the students’ interests, was founded in 2013.
The PAARA SC operates its activities under the “Law of RA on higher and post-graduate education”, the Charter of the Academy, internal regulations of law and order, and the Charter of the SC on the permanent basis.
The supreme body of SC is the Meeting of SC where all members of SC take part. The Meeting is presided by the Chairman of SC.
The consultative bodies of SC are standing commissions which are founded and liquidated with the SC decision. The number of SC commissions cannot be more than 8. Now there are 8 commissions in PAARA SC. Their executives’ aim is to maintain and improve the main purposes and terms of SC by uniting the students around a single idea.
PAARA SC voices and protects the interests of the students, contributes to their educational, academic, creative, moral and spiritual development.
Purposes and objectives of the activities of the Students’ Council