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Govern Project

The Public Administration Academy of the RA is a consortium member of the GOVERN Project (“Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development օf State-օf-the-Art He Management System for Efficient Changes in Line With Bologna Principles”) of the EU TEMPUS program. 

The three-year long project was approved in December, 2013.



Partners of the Project are:
  1. Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts (YSAFA), the Coordinator
  2. ASIIN, Germany
  3. Bath Spa University, UK
  4. World University Service (WUS) Austria
  5. European Centre of Studies and Initiatives (CESIE), Italy
  6. Leuven University College, Belgium (UC Leuven-Limburg)
  7. University of Koblenz-Landau (UCOLD), Germany
  8. Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSLU)
  9. Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE)
  10. Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU)
  11. Vanadzor State University named after Hovhannes Tumanyan (VSU)
  12. Yerevan Northern University (YNU)
  13. Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction (SEUA)
  14. Yerevan State Medical University after M.Heratsi (YSMU)
  15. Gavar State University (GSU)
  16. Education Quality (EQ)
  17. National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA)
  18. Armenian National Students Association (ANSA)
  19. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia
  20. Public Administration Academy of the RA (PAARA)
  21. American University of Armenia (AUA)
  22. Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA)

The main outcomes of the GOVERN Project will be capacity building for top and middle level administration to enable Bologna action lines implementation, adaptation of the management system to the new approaches in the strategic and structural management, budget allocation, human resource management, implementation of indicators and criteria for academic programme and student mobility, new approaches to managing academic programmes and office of academic affairs.


Experts’ visit to conduct external evaluation of PAARA


Within the framework of EU TEMPUS Govern (“Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development of State-of-the-Art He Management System for Efficient Changes in Line with Bologna Principles”) three-year project, the Public Administration Academy of RA undergoes external evaluation. In this respect on March 28, 2017, Dana Ruggiero (Bath Spa University), Jana Mohren (ASIIN), Ani Mkrtchyan (ANQA), representatives-stakeholders of the project Hakob Qnajyan (Northern University) and Gohar Hovhannisyan (student) visited the Public Administration Academy of RA.

The PAARA Rector Arsen Lokyan greeted the guests and introduced the self-assessment of institutional capacities and processes of elaboration of strategic plan, recorded success in this respect, basic achievements, clarifies missions and challenges. Comparing the previous and current experiences of the Academy, Arsen Lokyan underlined the most essential achievements. They are implementation of e-platform, online education, new and compatible educational programs, elimination of corruption, creation of research centers in the Academy, formation of positive public image of the Academy, and, of course, the motivated staff and factors that haven’t evaded educational sphere in today’s ever-changing world.

Through Q&A, the PAARA Rector also introduced to the GOVERN monitoring group the previous and current measures aiming at evaluation of needs and revelation of training needs.

During realization of external evaluation, there will be meetings with GOVERN working-group, administrative staff, educational program managers, students and academic staff.



 Workshop within the framework of the GOVERN Project in Graz


On 14-16 July 2014 within framework of the GOVERN Project (“Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development օf State-օf-the-Art He Management System for Efficient Changes in Line With Bologna Principles”) within the EU TEMPUS program, Rector of the Public Administration Academy of RA Arsen Lokyan, Vice-Rector for international relations Tereza Khechoyan and Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs Goriun Adamyan took part in the workshop in Graz, (Austria) organized by the Austrian Committee of the World University Service (WUS) for top managers of the consortium’s member institutions. 

A number of important issues concerning the organizational structure of administration and development, strategic planning, governance and autonomy as well as the financial management and control of HEIs were discussed during the workshop.


Within the framework of the GOVERN Project emerging issues during introduction of the Bologna process were discussed.

On October 6-8, in the framework of the TEMPUS GOVERN Project a meeting and training were organized with the representatives of the program’s partner Armenian HEIs in the Belgian city of Leuven. HEIs administrative staff, deans, heads of chairs, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Organization for Quality Assurance and students were participants of the training.  

 The meeting was also attended by the delegation of the Public Administration Academy of the RA: Lusine Zilfugharyan, Head of the Educational-Methodological Department of the Academy, Armenak Ayvazyan, Head of the Chair of Languages and Information Technology and Laura Petrosyan, Ass. Professor at the Chair of Psychology of Governance. 

The meeting was aimed at introducing a number of changes in the graduate and postgraduate education sector, fostering the implementation of Armenia's integration policy to the Bologna process, as well as discussing the challenges faced by HEIs during introduction of the Bologna process while  drawing up the modules and academic programmes.

A number of issues existing in Armenian HEIs were raised during discussions of the working group. There is a need to review the academic programmes and the syllabi in the three-tier system of the Higher Education sector of the RA based on requirements of the outcomes. Application of the credit system requires drawing up of individual study plans, constant monitoring of credit accumulation and academic progress.   

Student-centered approach is integral to the credit system. It allows the student to build an academic programme based on the calculation of the actual volume of work. In terms of the credit system, after specific professional consultation a student should be able to build his/her own individual study programme by attending this or that course.

During the scientific mission representatives of the Academy had meetings and discussions with the representatives of education sector institutions. The need for ensuring quality education and mutual support in educational programs were highlighted.


In-house training in the framework of the GOVERN Project

On April 8, 2015, a workshop was held at Public Administration Academy of the RA for heads of chairs, heads of departments and supporting staff of the Academy within framework of the EU TEMPUS GOVERN Project. The workshop agenda included the following issues:

  1. modularisation of academic programmes,
  2. introduction of student-centered academic programmes based on the learning outcomes,
  3. presentation of a syllabus example based on learning outcomes,
  4. presentation of calculation of time provided for student’s independent work,
  5. presentation of in-house informative draft program for the registration of students, their personal data, academic performance and other data.

In his report Mr. Wolfgang Harmgardt, Vice-Rector for Science of the Academy on existing examples introduced to the attendants the experience of the German leading universities’ module-based courses and credit accumulation as well as the opportunities and advantages of the modular course planning.

A report was also delivered by L. Zilfugharyan, Head of the Educational-Methodological Department of the Academy. She noted that there was a need to review the study plans and academic programmes. Curricula should be based on the demands of the profession and the course learning outcomes. The learning outcomes are expected indicators that describe what a student should know, understand and / or be able to do upon completion of a programme. 

During the workshop a learning outcomes-based syllabus example was presented by the Vice-Rector for International Relations Tereza Khechoyan. She introduced the main points of the course planning: course description that includes goals and objectives of the course, its structure and role within the academic programme, types of study activities planned during the course, determination of the amount of responsibilities of the student and the teacher, as well as clear and comprehensible definition of the course assessment and verification standards. Structure of the course programme was also described.    

Among the most important issues concerning students is to know when and what will be required from them, how much independent time a student should be provided to complete the teaching assignment. In order to clarify these questions Head of the Chair of Languages and Information Technology A. Ayvazyan presented examples of course components (subjects, seminars, midterm and final exams, submitting of written materials, etc.) schedules, which should be generally in accordance with the order of organization of educational processes at the university. The course tasks’ planning should be realistic and should enable the student to fulfill them properly, based on calculation of the actual volume of student performance, to the extent that he/she has to perform according to the envisaged learning outcomes.

At the end of the workshop Assistant Professor at the Chair of Languages and Information Technology A. Davtyan presented the draft program for the registration of students, their personal data, academic performance and other data. It will act as a complete system that will include all the departments’ interrelated work with the Academy’s students.

So, the Academy has outlined the upcoming work in the complex education process, hoping that the reforms and the new approaches will contribute to the production of qualified professionals and proficient graduates.


Workshop within framework of the GOVERN Project

On 12-14 May, 2014 within the three-year long GOVERN Project (“Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development օf State-օf-the-Art He Management System for Efficient Changes in Line With Bologna Principles”) of the EU TEMPUS program a workshop was held at the Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi on the  “Strategic and Structural Management. To establish the state-of-the-art university management system through overhaul of approaches to system changes: strategic, financial and human resource management” topic with the participation of EU partners and the representatives of National Center for Quality Assurance (Armenia) and different Armenian HEIs that are members of the project consortium.

The conference was attended as well by Tereza Khechoyan, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Administration Academy of the RA, Lusine Zilfugharyan, Head of the Educational-Methodological Department of the Academy, Karine Serobyan, Deputy Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Anahit Hovhannisyan, Head of the Human Resources Management Department and Gayane Hovhannisyan, the Law Adviser.      

A number of issues concerning the organizational structure of administration and development, strategic planning, change management as well as the financial and human resource management of HEIs were discussed during the workshop.

The purpose of the workshop was presented on the first day, the participants had a discussion on "The German and the Ukrainian experience in the context of strategic and structural management" topic and the second meeting of the Project Management Council took place with the participation of the management team.

Topics for the discussion of the second day of the workshop were, “framework of the “U” theory within the context of organizational changes: the model of seven stages of changes" and "management of strategic changes at universities".

“APPEAR” Austrian project was presented on the 3rd day of the workshop and the "Student-centered approach", "University management systems and strategies», «ECTS-'s role in the project structure" topics and other issues were discussed.

During the meeting it was outlined one more time that the main outcomes of the GOVERN Project will be capacity building for top and middle level administration to enable Bologna action lines implementation, adaptation of the management system to the new approaches in the strategic and structural management, budget allocation, human resource management,  implementation of indicators and criteria for academic programme and student mobility, new approaches to managing academic programmes and office of academic affairs.


Workshop within the framework of the GOVERN Project: financial and human resource management

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9-11 June, 2015 in the framework of the GOVERN Project (“Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development օf State-օf-the-Art He Management System for Efficient Changes in Line With Bologna Principles”) of the EU TEMPUS program a workshop was held at the American University of Armenia on the “Financial and human resource management” topic with participation of the representatives of Bath Spa University (BSU, UK), European Centre of Studies and Initiatives (CESIE, Italy), World University Service (WUS) Austria, National Center for Quality Assurance (Armenia)  and consortium member Armenian HEIs.

The conference was attended as well by Tereza Khechoyan, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the State Administration Academy of the RA, Lusine Zilfugharyan, Head of the Educational-Methodological Department of the Academy, Karine Serobyan, Deputy Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Anahit Hovhannisyan, Head of the Human Resources Management Department and Gayane Hovhannisyan, the Law Adviser.       

The aim of the GOVERN Project is to reform the management system of the HEIs by effective implementation of the Bologna principles, which in its turn will expand their autonomy and accountability.

GOVERN Project objectives include expanding the autonomy and accountability of higher education institutions that is,

During the workshop a number of issues concerning budget planning, functions of the departments of higher education institutions, job descriptions, staff training, as well as merit - based budgeting were discussed.  

The purpose of the workshop was presented on the first day, the participants had discussions on "Financial Management", "Development of the main indicators", "How to measure and maintain the reforms" topics.

Topics of the second day of the workshop were "University management system", "Human Resource Management", "Practice work: responsibilities of financial and human resources departments "and "Human Resource Management: the main indicators ".

"Tempus PEOPLE Program" was presented on the 3rd day of the workshop. "The process and procedures of human resources recruitment", "Competence-based recruitment and interviews" and other topics were discussed.

The workshop was conducted through lectures, practice games, brainstorming, case studies, discussions, assignments and self-assessment models.


Study Tour within the GOVERN Project

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28 June - 8 July, 2015 in the framework of the GOVERN Project (“Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development օf State-օf-the-Art He Management System for Efficient Changes in Line With Bologna Principles”) of the EU TEMPUS program a study tour was organized to the three famous universities, Bath Spa University (BSU, UK), Leuven-Limburg University College (UC Leuven Limburg, Leuven, Belgium) and the University of Koblenz-Landau (UKOLD, Germany).

Among the participants of the study tour were Tereza Khechoyan, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Public Administration Academy of the RA and Gayane Hovhannisyan, the Law Adviser.

The purpose of the tour was the study of the strategic, administrative and financial management systems and the functions carried out by the respective departments of the above mentioned universities.

The aim of the GOVERN Project is to reform the management system of the HEIs by effective implementation of the Bologna principles, which in its turn will expand their autonomy and accountability.

Within the project management approaches are being modernized due to cooperation with a number of leading European universities and ASIIN accreditation agency (Germany). The purpose of the project is to implement changes on the three levels of university management (management bodies and administrative staff, deans and heads of Chairs, education department).

At Bath Spa University (BSU, United Kingdom) participants of the study tour were introduced the university management system. The importance of efficiency of the University, leadership and proper management of human resources were touched upon.

Workshops were conducted through lectures, practice games, brainstorming, case studies, discussions, assignments and self-assessment models.

The delegation of the Public Administration Academy of the RA also had the opportunity to learn about Bath Spa University library activities.

At Leuven University College of Limburg, Belgium, issues referring to professional development, comprehensive analysis of the existing information at universities, as well as the effectiveness of key performance indicators (KPIs) were discussed. Within the study tour a visit was organized to the “AGORA” training center.

At the University of Koblenz-Landau university's approach to the issues of human resource management in the higher education sector was presented. The University professor Thomas Burkhardt introduced the financial management principles, legal arrangements and financial management mechanisms in the higher education sector referring to the financial management system in the German HEIs. Study tour participants actively participated in the situation problem solving on staff recruitment by suggesting relevant evaluation indicators (presenter Sergei Chernyshenko). Professor at the State University of Management of Moscow Mitrofanova introduced the human resources policies and objectives at the European universities, trends in the management development, problem solving techniques in the human resource management, etc.

Within the study tour a visit was organized to the administrative building of the University of Koblenz-Landau where a meeting was held with the staff of the Human Resources department.

The study tour was ended by the summing up of the obtained outcomes. Further activities and stages and deadlines of their implementation were outlined.

So, it is expected that the main outcomes of the GOVERN Project will be capacity building for top and middle level administration to enable Bologna action lines implementation, adaptation of the management system to the new approaches in the strategic and structural management, budget allocation, human resource management, implementation of indicators and criteria for academic programme and student mobility, new approaches to managing academic programmes and office of academic affairs.

The participation of the Public Administration Academy of the RA in the project is particularly important as the Academy has embarked upon the implementation of fundamental reforms at present.


Workshop in the framework of the GOVERN Project on the Self-Assessment of HEIs and External Evaluation

9-12 November, 2015 in the framework of the GOVERN Project (“Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development օf State-օf-the-Art He Management System for Efficient Changes in Line With Bologna Principles”) of the EU TEMPUS program a workshop on  the self-assessment of HEIs and external evaluation was held at Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences. Gayane Hovhannisyan, the Law Adviser of the Public Administration Academy of the RA and Lusine Grigoryan, Ass. Professor at the Chair of Languages and Information Technology took part in the workshop.

The workshop focused on the issues of institutional accreditation of universities, approaches of ASIIN (Germany) and the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance in institutional accreditation, as well as a comparison was made between ANQA’s and ASIIN’s institutional accreditation criteria and the work to be done at the member universities of the Consortium for the ASIIN’s external evaluation was touched upon.


GOVERN Project monitoring

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February 29, 2016 GOVERN (“Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development օf State-օf-the-Art He Management System for Efficient Changes in Line With Bologna Principles”) Project monitoring was executed at Public Administration Academy of the RA by the representatives of National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia, Ms Lana Karlova, Programme Coordinator and Ms Ani Torosyan, Programme Officer, within the framework of which meetings were held with Mr A. Lokyan, Rector of the Academy and PAARA representatives  who took part in the activities of the Project. Works carried out within the Project, knowledge, experience acquired during various visits to different European universities and the results of their application, as well as reports and questions discussed during the in-house training were presented.


The Public Administration Academy of RA will Implement an Automatized System of Administration of Educational Process

On January 27, Mariam Movsisyan – senior specialist of the IT Center of the National Agrarian University of RA – introduced the “Automatized System of Administration of Educational Process” to the staff of the Public Administration Academy of RA. It will be implemented in the Public Administration Academy of RA in the frames of the GOVERN program. The system includes the basic directions of administration of educational process.

The implementation of modern IT in every potential sphere of education will allow to modernize the educational processes and to fit for the modern requirements.

The system implementation aims at making the institutional functions productive and transparent as much as possible through atomization of administration of educational process in the HEI of RA. 


On May 24, in the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia completed a three-day training “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Priority Projects and Government Programs”, …