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Veritas project



  Discussions within the Project VERITAS in Graz

From 5th to 7th of May 2014, in Austrian, Graz, the World University Service (WUS)-Austria Committee organized a project meeting for European and Armenian Project consortium member educational institution’ representatives in the framework of the Tempus VERITAS project (Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles), where they  discussed the issues of doctoral educational programs  focusing on the implementation of Salzburg Principles in the Republic of Armenia and EU. 

Tereza Khechoyan, the vice-rector for international relations and Lusine Grigoryan, the lecturer of the chair of languages and information technologies of the Public Administration Academy of the RA participated in discussions.

An exchange of ideas and views has been taken place between representatives of different educational institutions. The existing strengths and weaknesses in the mentioned field and possible solutions of them in the coming years have been considered.

In June the discussions will continue in Armenia.


The definition of award criteria and quality standards have been discussed at the VERITAS workshop


A periodical project meeting organized by Bath Spa University (UK) for European and Armenian Project consortium members in the frame of the Tempus VERITAS took place at the Yerevan State University of Languages and Social Sciences after V.Bryusov.

The focal point within the mentioned workshop (called  work package 3) was the definition of award criteria and quality standards and procedures in doctoral education based on defined University Roadmap.

Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia as one of 11 HEI also took part in this important measure in common with Armenian (ANQA,RA SCC, EQ) and European partners from the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Spain and Austria. Again it was a good opportunity for all participants to discuss different issues of the Third Cycle of education , its perspectives and further development.

The representatives of PAARA – the vice-rector for education Khachatur Bezirjyan, the vice-rector for international relations Teresa Khechoyan, the head of the Post-graduation department Naira Ghazarjan and the law adviser of the academy Gayane Hovhannisjan, – not only presented our achievements in realizing of the certain steps of the Roadmap and successes in criteria and quality standard formulation processes but also revealed some obstacles and difficulties which were common for many partners and colleagues. In their individual presentations and during the lightning talks our representatives promoted some interesting views and ideas, spoke about existing priorities and gaps in doctoral education and asserted their complacency to take part in further activities to find the most optimal ways for our VERITAS project goals come true and the doctoral educational system in our country become perfect and competitive all over the world.



A periodical project meeting for European and Armenian partners took place in Yerevan. This time the Project consortium members were hosted by the Yerevan State University. There were several focal points within the workshop: reflection to award criteria and quality standards, presentation of strategic plans, updated roadmaps etc.

One peculiarity of the mentioned workshop was the new working format. discussions and debats were organized in and among the small groups and much longer time was spared to them: both to the Armenian HEI-s representatives and to the facilitators from European Universities, to discuss and analysis all opinions and approaches. This, no doubt, raised the effectiveness of the workshop.

Armenian HEI-s presented the updated versions of their Roadmaps. The Third Cycle education development Strategic plan- Roadmap of the PAARA was presented by the Head of the PGE Department (Aspirantura) Naira Ghazaryan. It was drafted according to the local conditions and peculiarities of the PAARA.

In the workshop the lecturers of the Chairs of Psychology and Law Laura Petrosyan and Hasmik Stepanyan also participated: they expounded their aspects and approaches concerning to the study block of PhD education programs proceeded from the necessity of their compatibility to European doctoral education standards.


An in-house training for organization of the 3rd-cycle education launched in the PAARA

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A cycle of in-house trainings is foreseen in the frames of the Tempus. Veritas project and the 1st one launched in the Public Administration Academy of the RA. The stuff members who were included in the project and had attended several seminars, workshops and meetings forwarded their knowledge and experience to the heads of chairs, departments and to the PhD students as well, with new proposals and active feedback expectations.

          The vice-rector for international affairs Tereza Khechoyan, who is the responsible person for the project in the Academy, presented the objectives and main goals of it and the course of their realization in the HEI-s-consortium members and, particularly, in the PAARA.

The vice-rector for science Wolfgang Harmgardt demonstrated the experience of German universities and their successes in Bolognia processes.

 The vice-rector for education Khachatur Bezirjyan presented a comparative analysis of the award criteria and quality standards based on scientific, methodological and juridical principles.

          In the frames of in-house training main attention was paid to the issues of the 3rd–cycle education (aspirantura), based on Salzsburg principles and their implementation in Armenian HEI-s, particularly, in PAARA. These principles were presented in details by the head of PGE department Naira Ghazaryan. She marked their importance for the Academy Roadmap and PGE department activities. They are a powerful stimulus  for the 3rd-cycle education development in the PAARA.

          All orators presented their speeches by Power Point and didactic materials. A very fruitful discussion took place, interesting ideas and proposals were sounded, and the terms and topics for the following in-house training were adjusted.


VERITAS Project Monitoring at PAARA

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On April 18, 2016  Veritas "Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles" program monitoring was carried out at Public Administration Academy of the RA by the National office of the Erasmus + program in Armenia, which was conducted by Lana Karlova, the Program coordinator and Edith Soghomonyan, the Program officer. Rector A. Lokyan and members of the Academy administration were present, who introduced the results of mastering and adapting the international experience of the European universities gained from a series of visits and expected activities, as well as obstacles encountered and difficulties overcome during the process. Monitoring also revealed the existing gaps and shortcomings present in post-graduate education improvement activities, pointed out the ways and opportunities for their elimination and correction. An agreement was reached on clarifying the future plans and the development of their implementation mechanisms.


Post-Graduate Education on Agenda


On April 5, 2017, the Public Administration Academy of RA hosted representatives of EU member states, UK Bath Spa University, ANQA and group of experts in the frames of EU TEMPUS Program VERITAS “Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles”. The aim of the visit was to conduct external evaluation of post-graduate education in the Academy. The seminar participants were presented the activities of the Academy towards implementation of Salzburg principles, peculiarities of road map and strategic plan, and the steps towards evaluation of stakeholders’ needs.

The Heads of Chairs at PAARA presented the range of involvement of post-graduate students in educational programs and educational activities in general. PAARA vice-rector on international relations and external ties Teresa Khechoyan spoke on post-graduate student involvement in scientific-research activities that are carried out with other countries and are based on current international cooperation.

The fact that post-graduate students not only carry out research in the laboratory of “Psychology of administrative activities” at the Academy, but do work as staff of the Center, really was worth mentioning.

They appreciated the fact that the post-graduate students of the Academy actively participate in scientific conferences and seminars. PhD in Law, Professor Gevorg Danielyan clarified the matter of relations between the university, students and administration. “Everybody’s rights and liabilities are coordinated in this respect” he said. “As an invited lecturer, I am happy to cooperate with the Academy. It has become my favorite university which meets all current educational requirements.”



On May 24, in the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia completed a three-day training “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Priority Projects and Government Programs”, …