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Practical Training for a Competition-Quiz


The practical training of “The Justice System of the Republic of Armenia” took place as a Competition-Quiz for the current first year Law masters. Hasmik Stepanyan, the lecturer and Vahe Torosyan, a candidate of law, were the committee members, who evaluated the answers of the teams on a 10-point scale.

The competition was composed of four teams. Each was asked five questions and a case study. In a competitive atmosphere, everyone was trying to show their knowledge and help their group to win. But as only one team could win, the winner was the fourth team, led by Hasmik Tsatryan.

The committee decided that all participants deserved to be encouraged and each of them received a copy of the collective monograph ՛՛Current Issues օf Parliamentary Governance՛՛ as a gift.

Lusine Qaramyan was identified as the most knowledgeable, Roza Kharatyan as the best senior and other participants included Hasmik Tsatryan, Anahit Ghazaryan, Helen Poghosyan, Gor Nikoghosyan, they all received encouraging gifts from the rector of PAARA.

Edgar Aleksanyan, Vice-rector for Education at Public Administration Academy of RA , awarded the gifts.


On May 24, in the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia completed a three-day training “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Priority Projects and Government Programs”, …